Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baby Isaac, 20 Weeks

How far along? 20 weeks (half way!!)

Total weight gain: 10lbs. Once the sickness went away I started gaining like crazy

Maternity clothes? All about them. I feel huge.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Already having bladder issues, having to pee constantly. This doesn't make for super awesome sleep.

Best moment this week: Daddy got to feel Isaac move this week. First time!

Miss Anything? I miss being able to function without medication (for headaches) 

Food cravings: Sesame Jack Chicken from Friday's, must have something sweet after every time I eat!

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, so glad to be over that.

Gender: Little Brother for Caleb! (BOY!) His name is Isaac David :)

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: Is eating all the time a symptom? Overly emotional! Constant headaches (still)

Belly Button in or out? in 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody... to the extreme.  

Looking forward to: Anatomy scan next Tuesday (2/5), Spring consignment sales!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

16 Weeks!

How far along? 16 weeks 

Total weight gain: 3lbs (that's a guess)

Maternity clothes? Just started wearing maternity jeans this week, only had one pair of jeans that still fit. Heading out to buy a couple shirts today :)

Stretch marks? Just what's left from pregnancy #1... so far!

Sleep: At this point, still sleeping pretty comfortably. Mild heartburn here and there and getting up to pee a few times at night but other than that no issues.

Best moment this week: Feeling baby move every day! (not consistently yet but still every day)

Miss Anything? I miss NOT having the heightened sense of smell, it drives me crazy!! 

Food cravings: Cheese dips: Queso from Tumbleweed and the white cheese dip from mexican restaurants. Veggies and ranch dip

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at this point THANK GOODNESS

Gender: Unknown! We find out on Tuesday!!! (1/8)

Labor Signs: not even close.

Symptoms: cramping (over this whole round ligament pain thing), headaches (at least one a day, if not more, sometimes lasting all day), finally feeling baby move!, back pain (already?! i'm not even big yet), getting full quickly and being hungry every couple hours

Belly Button in or out? in 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly moody and I hate it! Bouncing between crying, anger, frustration, happy, excited, etc alwayssss. 

Looking forward to: Gender scan and reveal Tuesday! Then shopping for baby :)