Friday, January 21, 2011

dear 50, 60, 70 degrees...

I want warm weather back!! I'll take the 50's over this crap! Do you realize we are in the single digits? YES, it is FIVE degrees outside! Please summer, come back.

I have decided that I'm going to try and sell Caleb's bedroom set and get him a new toddler bed for his birthday. Maybe he will do better in a not so crib-like bed? Problem with his crib/toddler bed is that the rail isn't long enough and he falls out of it. He still moves a lot in his sleep. I searched everywhere on the internet and this is the bed that I've chosen. It's the only one I've found that has full length guards... thoughts anyone?

Today was quite a busy day (for me, at least). Caleb went to his dad's at 9:30 this morning and while he was there I went to Stephanie's to play Wii with the kids. It was very much enjoyable! We had Hometown for lunch, delicious! Turns out I'm not any better at throwing a frisbee on the Wii than I am in real life. Rachel (the 5 year old) is better at all of the wii games than me. I really need to invest in one of those. If only money grew on trees. Speaking of video games, I really miss my guitar hero. I've been having withdraws lately and I think that will be my next purchase for myself... a new Guitar Hero 2 for the PS2 because it's been thrown around and played so much that it's all scratched up and you can't play half the songs. Yup, I think I'll do that soon.

After I picked Caleb up, we went to Brooke and Brian's and had a play date with Bennett and Brayden (even though Brayden can't really play yet). I miss them so much! I need to quit being so lazy and actually have our weekly play dates. The boys are too cute together and they play very well together now. They used to fight over toys all the time but Caleb had so much fun with Bennett today! He is seriously by far the cutest ethiopian kid I have ever seen. Caleb absolutely loved playing with Brian too... he used to be afraid of him. He was cracking up with him today. Brooke and I ended up at Babies R Us, my weak zone. I got Caleb a couple new sippy cups, a lock for the front door (I hope he can't figure it out) and a potty. I can't believe I just bought my child a potty! I don't intend on trying to potty train just yet, but I thought it was a good idea to have it sitting in the house so that it's not foreign territory when we do start trying. He was so funny when I opened it today and already knew exactly what to do with it. He sat on it and said "pee, pee." It was too cute. Now, if only it were that easy, huh?

I've been kind of catching up with an old best friend through FB messages the past few days. She lives up in Indiana and I really miss her! I am so glad to have such strong and loving people in my life. I have always admired her for her strength and determination and am really hoping we can regain the bond that we used to have. Things are so different now and I wish she lived closer so I could see her more. I went to her wedding last summer and actually got really upset thinking that I should have been standing up there with her. I should have been beside her when she was shopping for dresses and doing all that fun wedding stuff. It made me sad to realize that I had let her down and let our friendship slip away. She is a prime example of the type of friends and people I need in my life and I am sorry that I can't go back and fix how everything played out. I love you Megan Lynn Penner Boser!

Day 5: A picture of my favorite memory
I have to say I am torn between three here. Apparently through this process you will learn that I am a very indecisive person! (I figured you will see enough memories of Caleb on here, so these are outside of those memories) The first two, I don't have pictures for :( All my older pictures are on my old computer that won't turn on. Upsetting, I know.

So, number one: sitting (or sleeping under the desk) in yearbook, goofing off, and creating techno dance parties with flickering lights while Mrs. Reedy was out of the room. And I can't leave out doing an entire spread, copy and all, in one class period on the day it was due because we spent all of our time doing the things mentioned above. If any of my yearbook friends read this, they will definitely appreciate it.

Number two: long nights at Red Robin with Megan, Chelsea and I running the place. It didn't matter who else was working, the three of us could handle a two hour wait by ourselves. That's how good we were :) List after list of people waiting, but don't worry, we had it completely under control. In between acting totally ridiculous, texting people, blowing up balloons and helping out the swamped servers. Oh yes, and always mouthing off to Scott because he never knew what he was talking about and he always messed things up. Hanging out there waiting for each other to get off, or just hanging out when there was nothing better to do (don't forget the free ice cream that Troy would slip us).  Good times, those were. I kinda miss that crazy place!

This picture represents number three. As much as I sometimes did not want to go into work (who likes to work, right?), I really miss working with my babies at Vanguard. It was such a blessing and an amazing experience to watch this group of little ones grow and learn each and every day. Yes, I got barfed on a time or two... or multiple times a day. Haha! But seeing all these faces and smiles brightened my day no matter what. I became so attached to them and it makes me really miss those days when I think about it. At one point, there were so many "lead" teachers in and out that I was the only consistent person these babies saw every single day. I knew their routines, how they slept and what time their parents came. Savannah (above) had really bad reflux and I actually had to take her to the sink to burp her because she threw up so much after she ate. These kids all turn three this year. It's crazy how fast they grow (as I am learning with my own)!

I am tired now and about to head to bed to snuggle with my little boy. I'll continue with the next picture tomorrow. Hopefully the high is above 18 degrees tomorrow. I might just become an icicle here soon if it doesn't warm up at least a little bit.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

already slacking

It's only day four and I'm already slacking. Here are days 3 and 4 pictures.

Day 3: A picture of the cast of my favorite TV show
I couldn't pick just one favorite. I like too many to pick a favorite. So here's my top 5 (in no particular order, of course).
Criminal Minds
I absolutely love this show! I wish I were as smart as these people are (well, on the show at least). There are some episodes where I seriously can't keep up with what they're talking about, but it's awesome! 

Teen Mom
I had to include this, of course. No, I was never technically a teen mom but many of the truths and realities that come with this show, I feel like I can relate to. Especially in Macy's story. It feels good to know that I'm no alone in a lot of the things that I go through.

Law and Order: SVU
Simply a classic. Never gets old!

The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Addicting. I actually completely missed the first season and had to watch all the episodes online. I think I watched the entire season in like two nights. It's like a good book that you can't put down. I'm glad I can enjoy watching someone else's drama, even if it's from a script, and not have to be involved in it.

The Bachelor (or Bachelorette)
I think if I'm still single when I get out of school, I'm going to apply for this show. Seriously.

Day 4: A picture of my favorite night
My favorite night to date is the night after Caleb was born. Mom had been by my side since every minute of that day (and I thank the Lord for that), but she decided to go home for a few hours and take a shower and sleep in her own bed. I had spent alone time with my baby but he mostly just slept. He was one of those very sleepy babies. Wide awake in the middle of the night, it was just the two of us and it was amazing the bond I already had with my barely 12 hour old little boy. This was the first time I got to play with him, as much as you can play with a newborn at least. He was just staring at Mommy and making all sorts of silly faces. It's amazing how this feels like it was just yesterday, and at the same time how fast the time goes by. I can't believe he's almost two now. It makes me sad and I do miss my itty bitty 5 1/2 pound baby. But I am loving watching him grow and learn new things every day. 

Yesterday was absolutely hilarious, but not at the same time. Caleb likes to do the dishes, aka play in the water while someone else is doing the dishes. So he has learned to push the kitchen chairs up to the sink when he wants to play. I was cleaning up the apartment and was separating everything out into piles of where things needed to go in the living room. Caleb got a table with two chairs for christmas. The top of the table is a dry erase board and it's way neat! He loves it! Anyway, I'm busy cleaning and I look up and he had pushed his chairs up to the front door, was standing on them trying to figure out how to unlock the door. Yes, eventually he did figure it out and that's very scary! Our door has a handle, not a knob, so he can easily pull it open if the door is unlocked. I need to invest in some sort of lock that I can put up higher so he can't escape when I'm not looking.

So we went to lunch with a good friend today and I thoroughly enjoyed our time and conversation :) I haven't seen her in way too long and she gave me my birthday present. I seriously almost cried when I saw it, I absolutely love it. It's a very good representation of my life. Thank you so much Stephanie for this<3 

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Sister!

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

My sister :) Honestly, I wouldn't say that I've been closest to her the longest. But we have grown pretty close over the past few years. Yes, we still have our fights. Plenty of them (she is seventeen, you know)! 

I can't say that I remember a lot about when she was born... the only thing I remember about this day we visited her in the hospital was that they had to put that stupid strip on my forehead to take my temperature and I didn't want them to! I was such a drama queen.

Today, she has grown into quite a fine young lady. I am so proud of her and I pray that she has learned from my mistakes and continues to make better choices than I have made in my life. She is so wonderful with Caleb and is always more than willing to help me out whenever I need her to. I appreciate her and everything that she's always doing for the two of us!

I love my Sissy!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where to start...?

I figured I'd catch up to the world and start this whole blog thing. I don't know much about it and I'm going to try to keep up but probably won't be able to. 

What's going on with me... well, I just finished my 5th of 7 quarters of school to get my LPN. It was the worst quarter we've had so far. Hopefully the next two are a breeze and I will be a nurse in 6 months! I plan on working while I'm in school to get my RN, then I would like to work either NICU, Mother/Baby or Labor and Delivery. Haven't quite decided yet. I also just bought a new car (after totaling my favorite car yet, the Sebring). It's a change but we will get used to it. I got a 2003 Ford Taurus and it drives great, just different. It's Kentucky blue :) so of course I love that!

My little one has been sick for the past day and a half. I took him to the doctor yesterday morning and his temp was 103.3. I hate when he's sick and there's nothing I can do about it. It makes me feel terrible! When he woke up yesterday he was shaking and kept saying "cold, cold." He was also overly cuddly, which I can't complain about! The Tylenol took a bit to kick in but he was back to his normal self for a little while once it did. I was extremely glad to wake up to a fever free Caleb this morning because he's off to his dad's until Tuesday am. I hate being away from him, and the worries are even worse when he's sick and Mommy can't hold him.

Anyway, on the list of things to do today: I'm skipping out on church because I didn't feel like rushing to get ready and make it in time (bad me). A nice hot shower is most definitely needed! I should work on getting the apartment together, but probably won't get to it. I'm out of school all week so I have time, right? I have to go clean the office before I go to Mom's to play cards with some of the best friends I could ever have!! I'm super excited to just be goofy and have fun with them tonight!

So I thought I'd start off my new blog with a 30 day picture challenge that I stole from facebook. That will give me something to write about for at least 30 days... here's the first.

Day 1: A picture of myself with 10 facts
1. I have the sweetest, most adorable little boy any mother could ask for. He turns 2 in April.
2. I have learned in life that the only people who will always be there for me no matter what is my family. 
3. I'm 5'2, 100lbs and I love being little!
4. As hard as it is being a single mother and trying to make something of my life, I would not trade my little guy for anything in the world. He changed my life 100% for the better and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the Lord for that.
5. I want to get married some day and have at least 4 more children.
6. My Momma is my best friend. I look up to her and will never be able to repay her for all that she's done for me.
7. I'm incredibly smart, but I also have many blonde moments.
8. I want to live in Georgia some day.
9. Caleb sleeps in my bed with me every night. We need to break this habit but I can't bring myself to actually do it yet. 
10. I've been hurt by a lot of people in my life and I am done letting people hurt me. But I am also loved by quite a lot of people as well and for these people I am thankful for :)