Wednesday, January 19, 2011

already slacking

It's only day four and I'm already slacking. Here are days 3 and 4 pictures.

Day 3: A picture of the cast of my favorite TV show
I couldn't pick just one favorite. I like too many to pick a favorite. So here's my top 5 (in no particular order, of course).
Criminal Minds
I absolutely love this show! I wish I were as smart as these people are (well, on the show at least). There are some episodes where I seriously can't keep up with what they're talking about, but it's awesome! 

Teen Mom
I had to include this, of course. No, I was never technically a teen mom but many of the truths and realities that come with this show, I feel like I can relate to. Especially in Macy's story. It feels good to know that I'm no alone in a lot of the things that I go through.

Law and Order: SVU
Simply a classic. Never gets old!

The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Addicting. I actually completely missed the first season and had to watch all the episodes online. I think I watched the entire season in like two nights. It's like a good book that you can't put down. I'm glad I can enjoy watching someone else's drama, even if it's from a script, and not have to be involved in it.

The Bachelor (or Bachelorette)
I think if I'm still single when I get out of school, I'm going to apply for this show. Seriously.

Day 4: A picture of my favorite night
My favorite night to date is the night after Caleb was born. Mom had been by my side since every minute of that day (and I thank the Lord for that), but she decided to go home for a few hours and take a shower and sleep in her own bed. I had spent alone time with my baby but he mostly just slept. He was one of those very sleepy babies. Wide awake in the middle of the night, it was just the two of us and it was amazing the bond I already had with my barely 12 hour old little boy. This was the first time I got to play with him, as much as you can play with a newborn at least. He was just staring at Mommy and making all sorts of silly faces. It's amazing how this feels like it was just yesterday, and at the same time how fast the time goes by. I can't believe he's almost two now. It makes me sad and I do miss my itty bitty 5 1/2 pound baby. But I am loving watching him grow and learn new things every day. 

Yesterday was absolutely hilarious, but not at the same time. Caleb likes to do the dishes, aka play in the water while someone else is doing the dishes. So he has learned to push the kitchen chairs up to the sink when he wants to play. I was cleaning up the apartment and was separating everything out into piles of where things needed to go in the living room. Caleb got a table with two chairs for christmas. The top of the table is a dry erase board and it's way neat! He loves it! Anyway, I'm busy cleaning and I look up and he had pushed his chairs up to the front door, was standing on them trying to figure out how to unlock the door. Yes, eventually he did figure it out and that's very scary! Our door has a handle, not a knob, so he can easily pull it open if the door is unlocked. I need to invest in some sort of lock that I can put up higher so he can't escape when I'm not looking.

So we went to lunch with a good friend today and I thoroughly enjoyed our time and conversation :) I haven't seen her in way too long and she gave me my birthday present. I seriously almost cried when I saw it, I absolutely love it. It's a very good representation of my life. Thank you so much Stephanie for this<3 

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