Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where to start...?

I figured I'd catch up to the world and start this whole blog thing. I don't know much about it and I'm going to try to keep up but probably won't be able to. 

What's going on with me... well, I just finished my 5th of 7 quarters of school to get my LPN. It was the worst quarter we've had so far. Hopefully the next two are a breeze and I will be a nurse in 6 months! I plan on working while I'm in school to get my RN, then I would like to work either NICU, Mother/Baby or Labor and Delivery. Haven't quite decided yet. I also just bought a new car (after totaling my favorite car yet, the Sebring). It's a change but we will get used to it. I got a 2003 Ford Taurus and it drives great, just different. It's Kentucky blue :) so of course I love that!

My little one has been sick for the past day and a half. I took him to the doctor yesterday morning and his temp was 103.3. I hate when he's sick and there's nothing I can do about it. It makes me feel terrible! When he woke up yesterday he was shaking and kept saying "cold, cold." He was also overly cuddly, which I can't complain about! The Tylenol took a bit to kick in but he was back to his normal self for a little while once it did. I was extremely glad to wake up to a fever free Caleb this morning because he's off to his dad's until Tuesday am. I hate being away from him, and the worries are even worse when he's sick and Mommy can't hold him.

Anyway, on the list of things to do today: I'm skipping out on church because I didn't feel like rushing to get ready and make it in time (bad me). A nice hot shower is most definitely needed! I should work on getting the apartment together, but probably won't get to it. I'm out of school all week so I have time, right? I have to go clean the office before I go to Mom's to play cards with some of the best friends I could ever have!! I'm super excited to just be goofy and have fun with them tonight!

So I thought I'd start off my new blog with a 30 day picture challenge that I stole from facebook. That will give me something to write about for at least 30 days... here's the first.

Day 1: A picture of myself with 10 facts
1. I have the sweetest, most adorable little boy any mother could ask for. He turns 2 in April.
2. I have learned in life that the only people who will always be there for me no matter what is my family. 
3. I'm 5'2, 100lbs and I love being little!
4. As hard as it is being a single mother and trying to make something of my life, I would not trade my little guy for anything in the world. He changed my life 100% for the better and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the Lord for that.
5. I want to get married some day and have at least 4 more children.
6. My Momma is my best friend. I look up to her and will never be able to repay her for all that she's done for me.
7. I'm incredibly smart, but I also have many blonde moments.
8. I want to live in Georgia some day.
9. Caleb sleeps in my bed with me every night. We need to break this habit but I can't bring myself to actually do it yet. 
10. I've been hurt by a lot of people in my life and I am done letting people hurt me. But I am also loved by quite a lot of people as well and for these people I am thankful for :)


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Kristen! You'll have a lot of fun with it :)

  2. YAY!!! You're a blogger now! You'll love it! And this is a wonderful first post! You are such a cutie and an amazing mommy! Caleb is lucky to have you (as you are him)! :):)
    -Sarah DeLuca (Yadon)
