Thursday, May 16, 2013

35w 2d: Hospital bed rest

It has been an absolute crazy couple of days. It's starting to all be a blur. I woke up at 3am yesterday morning with what I thought was contractions. They kept me up, I didn't get back to sleep. Walking helped the pain so about 9am, after Caleb got up, we took a little family walk around the apartment complex. I had debated on calling my OB and decided against it until about 10am when I realized that I hadn't felt him move the entire time I had been up (7 hours). We called my OB's office and the NP of course told us to go to triage. 

When we got there, I was put on the monitors. Hearing that little heartbeat was one of the biggest reliefs I've ever felt. My contractions were strong and I was consistently contracting every 2min. They checked my cervix and I was already 3cm, 70% effaced. My BP when we arrived was 188/94. The nurse put an IV in place, drew blood for tests, and gave me a bolus of NS. I was given a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions and was told if it didn't work, my OB had said she would just let me continue with labor and deliver him. The first dose slowed my contractions for a little bit but after it wore off, I was back to every 2-2 1/2 min. I was given a second dose and was checked again, with no change in my cervix. We were then told that my lab work looked good but that they were going to admit me to antepartum to watch my blood pressure and do a 24hr urine to make sure that preeclampsia wasn't the cause of it being so high. 

I was admitted to antepartum soon after. The monitors showed I was still contracting every 3-5min consistently. Fluids were pushed, I felt like I was drinking buckets of water and peeing out nothing! Again my cervix was checked with no changes. An ultrasound was done at some point last night (it's all a blurry mess by now). Isaac scored perfectly and his estimated weight is 5lb 6oz (36th percentile). We got back to the room and thank goodness for Ambien because it really helped me get some sleep. The pain of the contractions only woke me up 3 or so times. 

They took the 24hr urine to the lab at 11:30 this morning. A couple hours later, we were informed of the results: The protein count in my urine should be <300, mine was about 1,400. We were also informed of some sort of abnormality of my placenta that showed up on the ultrasound. The on call doctor was busy and we waited around for hours not knowing what was going to happen next. The contractions slowed down throughout the day, and although they are still painful, they are quite far apart (at least 10 min or so, if not more). About 5pm, we finally got to talk to the doctor. She said that anything below 5,000 is considered a mild case, but is still preeclampsia. Because of the diagnosis and risks of the disease, I would not be able to go home until after delivery and that I would be monitored until Tuesday, at 36 weeks (at which time, if I haven't gone into labor on my own, they would induce me). She also said that the doctors have no idea what the mass on my placenta is, that it is about 6cm in diameter and the high risk OB wants to do another ultrasound herself tomorrow to recheck it. If she thinks it's a risk, they will induce me tomorrow, otherwise we are stuck here waiting it out (on bed rest) watching the protein in my urine, my BP, contractions, and this mass. Until it is decided to induce or until I go into full labor on my own. 

None of this was expected. I never thought I would have any problems like preeclampsia. I am a healthy 24 year old with one healthy child already. Who would have known I'd end up in the hospital on bed rest for a week, possibly more? This bed is getting uncomfortable real fast, I'm running out of positions to sit in that don't hurt. I miss my baby so much! And my uterus is sore from contracting for two days straight.

Despite all of this, I am very thankful that Isaac is growing well and is perfectly healthy. One of my biggest fears was that I would deliver him before he was ready and we would have to deal with the whole NICU thing. I never wanted that, I want him to go home with us right away! And although I'm stuck here in this lame room and uncomfortable bed for at least the next 4 days, it is such a relief to know that at 36 weeks, he will be perfectly healthy outside the womb as well. I am very grateful for all the people who really do care so much and everyone who is going to be there to help out with Caleb while I'm stuck in here. I am lucky that my condition of preeclampsia is no worse than some protein in my urine, that I'm not having seizures and dealing with any of the other horrific things that can go with the disease. 

This is not at all the "ideal" way to bring a baby into the world. But I will do what I have to in order to ensure that my little Isaac and I are both completely healthy at the end of it all. 

So here's to a week in bed at the hospital!

Monday, May 13, 2013

35 Weeks Pregnant and Engaged!

How far along? 35 weeks and feeling it

Total weight gain: 27 lbs (embarrassing)

Maternity clothes? shirts, definitely. can't stay comfortable in maternity jeans though.

Stretch marks? outer thigh and hip area, thankfully none on the belly yet

Sleep: Depends on the night. Usually, it's not very good. Hips get sore laying on one side too long and it's a difficult process rolling over to the other side, which I have to do a lot. Then adding in peeing 3-4 times a night doesn't make for very good sleep. But on a positive note, Caleb has been consistently sleeping all night in his bed so that's one less awakening to deal with!

Best moment this week: The last week (well, little over a week) have been amazing. Celebrating Mom's birthday, cinco de mayo and a surprise sprinkle for baby Isaac, I am so blessed. Not to mention I'm now an engaged woman :) and my boys were too sweet to me for mother's day yesterday!

Miss Anything? My abs mostly! I can't sit up by myself because I have no abdomen muscles. All the swelling is starting to really hurt lately, the extra weight is killing my feet. I want my normal body back! Moving anywhere is so exhausting!

Food cravings: chocolate chip pancakes, bbq chicken

Anything making you queasy or sick: no

Gender: still a little brother

Labor Signs: Unfortunately, none quite yet. U/S for growth at next appointment, if he's growing fine then labor is up to my body, which make me nervous! I hate not knowing what to expect! 

Symptoms: The heartburn still sneaks up on me out of the blue sometimes, edema, exhaustion

Belly Button in or out? In 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Outside of being SO ready to be done with this pregnancy, when I'm not completely drained of energy, I'm usually happy.  

Looking forward to: 36 week u/s and appointment, meeting and holding my baby boy