Thursday, March 14, 2013

26 Weeks with Isaac

How far along? 26 weeks (picture is actually 27 weeks)

Total weight gain: 14 lbs 

Maternity clothes? I wear them some outside of the house, but at home just sweats or yoga pants are most comfy :)

Stretch marks? Not yet but i feel my tummy stretching

Sleep: It's gotten a little better. I'm using a pillow between my knees/legs and it seems to help a lot. Wish Caleb would stop getting up in the night!

Best moment this week: Honestly, I don't know. It's just an emotional roller coaster and I'm having a hard time dealing with it all right now. Did my glucose last week and everything looked good, my iron is just low. So I suppose that's good news.

Miss Anything? Everything. I miss not peeing my pants when I cough or sneeze (gross, I know, but it's an unfortunate reality). My body, energy, having more control over my emotional state. Everything little thing is such a task and I'm miserable with itchiness!

Food cravings: Still have to eat something sweet after each meal, not really any cravings lately though

Anything making you queasy or sick: Outside of drinking entirely too much sugar for the 1 hr glucose, nothing.

Gender: One crazy active boy

Labor Signs: I am so over the braxton hicks! I usually have to stop what I'm doing when I get one and they make me feel like I need to pee so bad! Probably getting 8-10 a day.

Symptoms: Heartburn is an off an on unpredictable thing these days, which is better than having it constantly. Belly is so itchy from growing, even using lotion doesn't work. He's an active little guy, I feel and see him constantly throughout the day.

Belly Button in or out? In 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I'm pregnant, what else do you expect?  

Looking forward to: Ultrasound in two weeks (checking growth since Caleb was restricted for some reason)