Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Boy!!

It's Friday!! (well, technically Saturday I guess) Caleb and I have had such a great week! We've both made lots of progress this week!

We went to the consignor's opening of the Little Treasures sale and I was so excited! I got Caleb quite a good start on his summer wardrobe. Ugh, I can't wait for it to be warm again. Also got him some squeaky sandals for summer and he absolutely loves them! He will just stand in one spot and stomp for fun, it's too cute. He also got an Elmo chair that he loves and a few toys for his birthday. I can't wait to show him the remote control cars... I hope he can figure it out! But on to the best purchase I have made yet: a new (well for us) toddler race car bed! And the best part is that I only paid $36.00 for it.

I picked it up on Wednesday, thanks to the help of Scott and Stephanie, and we have been using it ever since. After almost two years of fighting it, I have finally gotten Caleb to sleep in his own bed all night (without waking up five times)! He hasn't fallen out of it once, and slept in it all night both Wed and Thurs nights, only waking up once the second night and he just laid back down. I am so proud of him! As much as I miss him being a little baby, I am loving watching him grow up. I just wish he wasn't growing up so fast!

Thursday morning I let Caleb play in the bubble bath, his current favorite, while I got to paint my toes. This was a big deal for me! After that, Momma came over and helped me clean for a couple hours. I finally got my kitchen clean and I am going to try and keep it that way. I always put off cleaning it because I hate it so much and it's always such a total disaster. I am so grateful for such a wonderful and loving mother. She's the best I could ever have. Tonight I got Caleb's room all clean finally, with his help of course. Since he hadn't been sleeping in there, it was shoved full of a bunch of random stuff. Now I just have to find some place to store his crib and get it there. His room now looks like a big boy toddler room :( No crib, no changing table and lots of toys. I'll get a picture of it up here once I get the crib stuff out of there.

Play date with Brooke, Brian and their boys was great today. Both Bennett and Caleb slept for the first little while of it, so we got to have some big people conversation lol. It was hilarious that they both woke up really confused for a few minutes. Brayden let me put him to sleep for the first time :D He is such a cutie and a great snuggle bug! We went to Shogun for dinner and it was Caleb's first time. He was very intrigued and I'm pretty sure he loved watching the fire and kept saying "cook." Momma's smart boy. He chowed down on the rice so it must've been good! I forgot my camera on this play date so Brooke has all the pictures... Caleb also held Brayden for the first time. One day he will make such a good big brother. When we proceeded to leave, Caleb decided he wanted to take a dive off the bridge into the little pond they have in the restaurant. And he almost succeeded. I think the whole restaurant heard me scream and thankfully I was able to grab him by his sweatshirt to keep him from falling in. Although it would have been funny to see it, my reaction was just instinct. My child going head first off a bridge into the pond kinda freaked me out lol. The funny part is that Brooke had told me she was waiting for the day that Bennett did this. Ohh I love these kids.

The list of things to accomplish next week:
CPE's (pass, of course)
Finish cleaning up the apartment... my room, bathroom, living room
Show up for class :) haha
Pay my bills
CLEAN MY CAR OUT, weather permitting of course!

Pappy's birthday is Sunday! What are we gonna do for this old man? Hopefully we'll figure out something tomorrow. Probably shopping with Mom in the morning, so maybe she'll be of help.

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